and intricately was born to make her look deathly ill with triggering her allergy with finally she's here in the hospital in the background. Keep checking it to tell them this is all about is what we're hearing a warming phone call about our conditions and this is parks distress, how can you bring TV into their house one more piece was attack and some hot sauce on a tissue where all the evidence you need to get rid of them blank quietly and without drawing any attention once again, which we understand are the long standing rules of the house. They don't want to cause a kerfuffle just brush the bad thing out and they'll hire someone else. This time is key tacky, drops a card to Mr. Park with the name of a supposedly exclusive major his company and voila need to do housekeeper mom bringing the kids of fresh fruit including the previously forbidden peach. impressively, they've been able to all the way into employment they could never normally dream up. But the problem is that they are all complete. Their balancing act takes on new levels of difficulties. Now they're all working for the family and having to still pretend that they are not related themselves. Their first towel is something extremely so what also comes to have tremendous importance and meeting their cell totaled the song smell each of the parents it identifies that they smell the same. It's almost like he's smelling the poor on them. Somehow he can smell that they don't truly belong here amongst the higher class, in spite of the ridiculous charade they've made their lives they are happy for the success. Keith had pointing out that a similar position to his would normally draw hundreds of college educated applicants showing us how to rig the system. He was one of those sweet sweet men lost in the mass just like they have been up to this point. The odds are always exponentially stacked against your success really refuse to stand for the same shiny treatment from their kissing pals sprinkling water on him and the man fights back with his own water stream then gets completely doused by a bucket for this moment feeling like they are liberating themselves from the constraints of foreigners they've been burdened with and they soon get the wind the highlight they believe they deserve when the parks go on a camping trip for the song's birthday in the Kim family make themselves right at home in the massive estates helping themselves to expensive liquor bubble bath. Kevin on the other hand, takes the opportunity to get some insight on his lady friend diving into her personal journals and when reaching her high reveals his feelings for her to his family and tells them he intends on asking her out before University which is verbatim what Neil's plans were clearly Kevin is Joe in a sense of his well off friend in a sort of seeing himself trying to step into his shoes as a family's future worth having married to hi and this house details detect a person calling you're rich but still likes the mom clarifies that she's nice. She's rich feeling she'd be nicer to if she had money which people have money to iron out as they're surprised by a ring at the doorbell it's the previous housekeeper move way who is looking a little worse for wear ringing the doorbell repeatedly Intel annoying chunks of answers he claims to have left something in the basement requesting to be led inside and despite tenants worried isn't part of the plan. Let her in anyway her descending towards the darkness of a lower level after waiting for a while the family urges are to check finding moonglade bizarrely struggling the wall in a cabinet to find something which is causing the cabinet to swiftly slide dropping the blank and revealing the heavy duty metal door leading even deeper below to an underground bunker well layers again folks levels levels. It used to be all the fashion lobby to have their own bunkers in case of North Korea attack or what have you. But the architect was later embarrassed, didn't tell anyone else so only she knew about it. Have you ever mentioned it to the park family either, however, even more dumbfounding, there's a dude living on a cot down there, Moon goings husband, who has been holed up down here for four years she was dead. When the house moved to Paris. She snapped her husband down here to escape his debtors. Coincidentally, he lost everything, opening up a cage on his own, using loans for the end result of living in a bunker for four years to escape his death. Wow. I guess the lesson here is do not try to open a cake shop in Korea. You're totally screwed. If you aren't, then you have to mess around like Wednesday here for the pastor. He tries to appeal to changsu. They have nothing it hopes for her to continue leaving the canoe down here. But the tables turned when the rest of the family practically absent mindedly called keitech his dad was in a crafting room when he got a recording of her phone shifting the power to her and her basement dwelling. The couples didn't take control making fools of the kids and threatening at any moment to send the damning video to Mrs. Park and do them all in when they get lost in a previous memory of their own time using the house the family seizes the opportunity everyone's grappling at each other for the phone just dumps peaches all over New Way taking her out allowing me to get to the boat and delete the video was one crisis or in the house phone rings it's Mrs. Park explained on your way back as a camping trip got rained out and we'll be hoping