Hey what's up folks welcome to found flicks on this ending explained we're looking at midsommar Writer Director airy Astor's follow up to last year is hit hereditary where a young couple whose relationship is on the rocks traveled to a fable Swedish midsummer Festival, where a seemingly pastoral paradise transforms into a sinister dread soak nightmare as the locals reveal their terrifying agenda. You know, before we get started on this one, it just feels like something is missing.Yes, flower crown. Thank you. And of course, mushroom tea.Now we're talking the psychedelics are quite appropriate for this one, not just because pretty much everyone is on drugs the whole movie, but because the entire movie feels like undergoing a drug trip, which of course was airy master's intent. This is a really interesting one for a number of reasons, especially being said almost entirely during the especially long Swedish days. Somehow the oppressive daytime becomes scarier than the darkness and shadows we usually associate with horror. You have to call midsommar just horror is an understatement because it tackles so many genres at once. It ended up being a heck of a lot more hilarious than I was anticipating it was welcome levity to at times undercut the insanity of what was unfolding and the movie does go to some extremely disturbing and violent places as well really runs the gamut there when compared to his previous hereditary I would put tomorrow only slightly lower due to how shocking and surprising witnessing the events of hereditary was to see unfold. On the other hand, midsommar interestingly chooses to telegraph almost everything ahead of time of what is going to happen via rustic murals, which at times is also quite strange and hilarious. Yet in the end, things unfold just as we expect if we pay attention to these ever present paintings, so is it quite as shocking as a result and feels a little less surprising and terrifying than the last 20 minutes of hereditary. Also interesting is how similar in some capacities midsommar is with his previous feature a crazy killer cult enacting an elaborate ritual. Yeah, and then tomorrow manages to feel completely different than its predecessor in many ways. Despite the somewhat similar structures and stories similar to hereditary it requires a viewer to pay extra attention to catch every detail to understand the story. And I do want to undertake another viewing to I'm sure catch even more than I did the first time and I do really appreciate the level of detail Aster puts into his movie so far. It's just impressive seeing his extremely distinct visions come to life. And then tomorrow possibly takes the mantle away from the Wicker Man obviously the original as the quintessential folk horror film. As I've already expressed, Aster makes very dense movies with stories full of so many details that are easy to miss. So I understand being completely confused by what transpires in the flick, but as you know, that's why I'm here to put the pieces together and help everyone understand what the filmmaker was going for here. One of the biggest themes we'll be looking at is control which is consistent throughout the film first seen in Danny and Christians broken relationship but also in the copious amounts of psychedelics consumed, ie completely letting go of control. But as a protagonist, Danny, who undergoes the biggest journey in this regard in the final moments of the film, given the control and choice of taking someone else's life into our own hands, in the end, gaining total control yet, as we also come to understand, even if it appears that we're making our own choices, there are grander forces at play in the universe and nature, then enact their own predestined plans. So let's take a trip into drug fueled ritualistic madness with midsommar breaking down the story, its bigger meanings and themes, as well as explaining the ending and Danny's final big decision. Our initial scenes show us the two very different perspectives that couple Danny and Christian have of their relationship. Danny clearly struggles with her emotions kind of a never ending outpouring of emotions of which he has no control. While Christian is clearly 100% checked out of the relationship and is consistently emotionally unavailable to Danny when she desperately needs while she is afraid she's asking too much of Christian and taking her emotional burden even on the phone worried that she's pushing him away her name was friend on the other end assures her that being supportive is what a boyfriend is supposed to do Christians just a dick Christine's friends pal, Josh and especially Mark had the polar opposite perspective annoying having to hear about Danny's constant issues and are encouraging of him to end the relationship and it does seem to be what he wants as well.Considering how uninvolved emotionally he is which is pretty ridiculous as they've been together for four years if it's so bad just ended already dude, but as pounds are even more adamant that he ended now as they're on the verge of a big upcoming trip to Sweden where they're sure to be a bunch of hot euro ladies for the taking and it's all pills idea bringing everyone along to visit his childhood home in an extremely tiny remote area of Sweden for their big mid summer festival. No one even sees I was asked, hey, what are we going to be doing on this vacation anyway? Or even where exactly in the country we're going bad or not to ask questions in this case, I guess the prospect of learning about other cultures at least for some of the students is worth going in completely blind. Usually I'm like, okay, where are we going to go to Is there a theme park there where they got bars? I don't know what the hell we're gonna do. Oh, we're going into the middle of a field and swinging somewhere. We're going to take a lot of mushroom tea.