how rich you are can  escape violence in an odd way the knife in fact acts as a way of unifying them all together, able to break through all boundaries of rigid board. My name is rocky Leslie when we pick up a month later Kevin managed to survive the savage rock beating and appears to have some lingering effects from surgery controllably laughing at what should be horrible this March is laughing with questions by detectives and hearing him and his mother's cries being read out in court, even when finally getting to see his sister's face on it. Unfortunately, Jessica died in the attack it to me seems less than it's the surgeon responsible, but he can't help but laugh at just how horribly everything turned out in their lives. Oh thanks so they're infiltrating the marks home house for a father, a man hug for his whereabouts was initially called off when the trail ran cold and Kevin and his mother returned to their same wives as before all of this back to sibling pizza boxes while now also being trailed by bumbling detective. He finds themselves still drawn to the former New Family having moved in their frequency mountain nearby that gives a good view of the estate, one night, he shot to see what looks like it was code message being written in light blinks just as when say did before and after some time Kevin is able to translate the message, realizing it's a message from his father's learning what happened in the aftermath of the party. Luckily moved away except the security camera when she first came to the house, and rather than fleeing Keitech knew the best place to hide down in the bunker. I wish the park family was unaware of making this location unknown to anyone outside of his family back to that small slippery slope earlier going even further down the ladder, that's taken on the role of winds to hide in the bunker due to outstanding tax. A newly energized cabin prize got to his father, laying out in his new grand plan, going to university, getting a good career and making memories of the house, allowing his father to simply walk up the stairs to freedom and join his family, placing his rock in a river with a cave, blending right into the other apparently unimportant ones in the riverbed, and he comes tumbling back down from this grand fantasies this snow falling outside their Sydney subterranean apartment as it includes the letter filling keys have to take care until then. Right, so we have this lovely fantasy of Kevin going on to becoming legitimately successful, is there any chance his rosy future could come to pass. I gotta say based on everything we've seen up to this point, I don't think so. The fact that we transition from this nice family reunions. Several we already have Kevin back in his old apartment says it all, just like his father always had a scheme or plan cooking, it's no different for Kevin problem is there always pipe dreams, nothing that could most likely ever come to fruition. And there's also a kind of catch 22 at play as well. Early on, it's established that Kevin is actually a smart candidate applied to several schools, the roadblock being how to possibly pay for it considering his family situation, they also seem to idolize did as a result of this, and attempts to emulate him, even if that crucial moment, asking himself what almost thinking and for me, I could have opportunity I could be successful everything in his future fantasy is one even closely resembles his old friend, certainly no coincidence in his relationship with the high, his mom and his friends kind of exactly showing his families what to ask her out we're heading to college so many degrees outside of what the reality of his current situation is. Other problems without the financial means to the step is essentially due to folding pizza boxes with his mother stroller for eternity, consistent, never really enough gives him a chance, which is why the family pushes so much immediately when getting a foot in the door at the parks, it's the best chance that they've ever had anyone feel lucky that there's a wealthy family they can exploit for their own personal gain, also not really considering the family to the people in the sense, as they are disconnected from them, and the world at large due to their wealth and status, and even more brutal isn't they hadn't orchestrated their master plan to infiltrate the first, none of this would have happened, it was their greed that doomed them, which leads us back to the parasites of the title. Now clearly the kids aren't the best people, why Vinci's leaving a small taste of success in the birth family is ultimately exploiting them as well. Unlike the kids having to deal with basically being bald people want to drop their visit outside of their kitchen window on a regular basis. The foreigner living in their lovely well walls Castle, totally secluded from the trappings of the outside world, which as a result has skewed their perspective on things as well. They employ these servants to help them with the most basic of menial daily chores and tasks, having a personal driver cleaning and cooking around the house, and it's even specifically mentioned by Mr. Park that his wife doesn't do so well with housework like washing dishes and cleaning again super basic stuff, yet somehow she's unable to do so. So by hiring these people to take care of them. They are also leeching off the poor,a because from their perspective, they're overjoyed to even have the opportunity to clean your table on these and make you ramen noodles. It's a bit nuts, 

 so I wonder if this is all due to the wife having a drug problem, you know like pills or something like that. So when we first meet her, she just Stone Cold  passed out sitting on the patio, and then Wang has to like clapped either wake her up. The whole time I was like, Yo, this is on drugs so outside of that that mention of buying the drugs during their weird non sexy,  we have no other indication of this possibility but now at least explain more about our peculiar behavior and why she can't do anything. I mean she doesn't work or whatever you can even do the dishes out of your screwed data, you know what I mean something's going on there but being there all parasites for drastically different reasons yet parasites just the same, rich, poor, everyone sucks for their own reason. So thanks to this crushing capitalist society that we live in, that reassuring and whatnot, we reach the conclusion of this in depth explainer video for parents.